Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Flattened Pennies from the Outer Banks

I love to collect flattened pennies. I've collected them since I was five. These are my flattened pennies from North Carolina.

When I was on my way to North Carolina, I stopped for lunch at Digger's Diner. It took an hour to get our food. My brother rode on a monster truck, but I didn't because it was too dusty. This is my favorite penny from Digger's Diner.

Here is another one from Digger's Diner.

Here is another one - a pirate - arrrrgh!

This is my favorite penny from North Carolina. I like it because one of my aunts gave it to me.


  1. Hi Ellen!

    Nice blog. Your aunt needs to get you some more flattened pennies!! :)

    xoxo, your aunt

  2. Hi Aunt Nancy! I hope to see you soon!
