Sunday, September 20, 2009

Bike Riding with Friends

Today I went bike riding.

At first, it was just me and my brother.

Then one of my friends showed up.

...with her brother.

My friend's mother put a sign up.

We were in a tree, and we found a caterpillar.

We found flowers nearby.

I thought it would be funny to take a picture of my dad's bald head. I took off his hat, and I took this picture.

We found lots of acorns, and we decided to make a smiley face.

Another one of my friends showed up.

She brought her brother too.

And then more friends showed up.

We made an I-Carly video.


  1. Hi Ellen! Love your photos!!
    It would have been funny to draw a smiley face on your dad's head - just a thought... haha!
    Aunt Kate

  2. Hi Wheezie,
    I like your website of your favorite things and your photos. Great job!! I look forward to seeing some of your art.
    Love, Grandma R.

  3. Hi Aunt Kate. Thank you for looking at my blog. I think you have a good idea.

    Hi Grandma, Thank you. I also just received your package. I love it.
