Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Playing Outside

Today I played outside with my brother after dinner, and I took these pictures.

This is my brother going down the slide.

This is my brother on the swing.

This is my brother acting silly on the swing.

This is my brother upside down.

Here is a video of my brother standing on the swing.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Airport Museum

I recently went to the airport museum. Here's some pictures that I took.

This is my favorite airplane in the museum.

This one looks cool.

This one is called a bi-plane.

I like the fake sky behind this one.

The trains were something special for Christmas.

I like the this bridge and the rocks and grass.

Sometimes they would put these guys on the tracks. It looks like it would be hard work in real life.

Here's a cool train.

Here's another cool train.

This train was slow.

Here's a couple of people waiting for a train.

I love toy trains too!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

I Flattened my own Coins

We decided to put coins on a railroad track to have a train flatten them. I was a little scared at first to put my hand on the train tracks, but my Dad told me it's no big deal.

We put the coins on the track near this bridge. I like how they made this bridge.

Here is a picture of the coins on the track. We put more than one in case we couldn't find them all. These are the five that I put on the tracks, and my brother also put five.

We came back the next day, and we could only find eight flattened coins. We couldn't find two of them. Here are two dimes that were flattened by the train next to a normal dime.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

These are a Few of my Favorite Things

These are some of my favorite things.

This is Special Bunny. I sleep with her every night.

This is Big Bunny. I sleep with her every night too.

This is Blankie. I sleep with Blankie every night. The animals on Blankie match the animals on my brother's light.

This is Hannah Montana. She is one of my Barbies. She sings songs when you push a button.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Flattened Pennies from the Outer Banks

I love to collect flattened pennies. I've collected them since I was five. These are my flattened pennies from North Carolina.

When I was on my way to North Carolina, I stopped for lunch at Digger's Diner. It took an hour to get our food. My brother rode on a monster truck, but I didn't because it was too dusty. This is my favorite penny from Digger's Diner.

Here is another one from Digger's Diner.

Here is another one - a pirate - arrrrgh!

This is my favorite penny from North Carolina. I like it because one of my aunts gave it to me.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Bike Riding with Friends

Today I went bike riding.

At first, it was just me and my brother.

Then one of my friends showed up.

...with her brother.

My friend's mother put a sign up.

We were in a tree, and we found a caterpillar.

We found flowers nearby.

I thought it would be funny to take a picture of my dad's bald head. I took off his hat, and I took this picture.

We found lots of acorns, and we decided to make a smiley face.

Another one of my friends showed up.

She brought her brother too.

And then more friends showed up.

We made an I-Carly video.